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Overview Overview What To Know About Diabetes and Cholesterol

What To Know About Diabetes and Cholesterol

12/19/2022    |    0 min read

Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in your blood. Your body needs cholesterol to build healthy cells and make hormones, but high levels of certain types of cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is often called "bad" cholesterol because high levels contribute to heart disease. In contrast, higher levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, aka "good" cholesterol, may be protective against heart disease and stroke.

People living with diabetes are already at risk for heart-related health problems, including high LDL cholesterol. Here's what you need to know about diabetes and cholesterol and what you can do to protect your heart and overall health.

How are diabetes and cholesterol related?

High blood sugar from diabetes can cause inflammation in the blood vessels. Inflammation can damage the inner lining of your arteries. 

High cholesterol on its own can also damage the arteries or contribute to blockages, so together these conditions significantly increase the risk of heart-related health problems.

What should cholesterol levels be when you have diabetes? 

  • LDL cholesterol: less than 100 mg/dL or less than 70mg/dL for people with other risk factors.
  • HDL cholesterol: more than 40 mg/dL in men and more than 50 mg/dL in women.

But diabetes complicates things a bit because inflammation from high blood sugar can put someone at a higher risk of heart disease and stroke, even when cholesterol levels are normal. In fact, the American Diabetes Association recommends that all adults living with diabetes aged 40 and up take medication to lower cholesterol and decrease this type of inflammation. 

Your doctor will work with you to decide if medications that protect the blood vessels are a good idea based on your personal risk.

What medications treat high cholesterol? 

Statins are the most common type of cholesterol-lowering medication. They work by blocking an enzyme in your liver that helps make cholesterol. Statins can help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. 

Statins also help with inflammation, so they can help to protect blood vessels even if cholesterol levels are already in the normal range. In fact, research suggests that taking a statin can lower your risk of developing heart disease by almost 30 percent.

Can you prevent high cholesterol when you have diabetes? 

You can do many things to support cholesterol levels and blood sugar, but there's a big genetic component. If high cholesterol runs in your family, you're more likely to have it regardless of your lifestyle. This can feel really unfair if you're doing everything "right," so medications provide extra support to get cholesterol levels where they need to be.

That said, you can make some lifestyle changes to help support healthy cholesterol levels. These habits also help with blood sugar and can reduce your risk of heart disease long-term: 

      • Fill up on fiber from fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
      • Choose healthy fats from olive oil, avocados, fish, and nuts, and minimize trans fats.
      • Watch portion sizes of processed foods like cookies, cakes, and chips.
      • Exercise regularly. Any and all physical activity counts!

Have questions about cholesterol and diabetes? 

9amHealth offers diabetes care personalized to you—including medications and lifestyle support for healthy cholesterol levels. Learn more here

About the authors

Caitlin Beale is a registered dietitian nutritionist and freelance health writer based out of Northern California. She’s worked for over ten years as a dietitian in acute care, private practice, education, and community nutrition. Caitlin loves translating complicated science-based information into fun-to-read content that is accessible to anyone.

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